Select which item(s) you want to rent.
Select the dates you want to rent for.
Select the times you will be available for pickup/drop-off/courier.
Select a pickup location or opt-in for courier service for your order to be directly messengered to your home.
Complete your order and receive updates via email!

Local Pickup
We offer the ability to pickup your order from one of our local cleaning partners.
Please pickup and drop off your order at the same location.
When you arrive there will be a QR code for you to scan and fill out.
*If you have any issues dropping off your piece on-time contact us through our Instagram DMs

Courier Service
If you don't want to leave the house or don't have a cleaning partner close to you we offer a courier service for your order.
Your order will arrive and will need to be sent back to our facility at the designated times you chose at your initial booking.
Make sure to monitor your phone for notifications that the driver is on their way. If you have a doorman you can leave it with them under your name for RNTL Pickup.
*If you have any issues for having your piece picked up at your designated time please contact us through our Instagram DMs